Productivity & Time Management Workbook

Productivity in business is not simply doing something for the sake of getting it done. It’s about doing the right things at the right time to achieve maximum efficiency for your effort. 

Productivity isn't just about getting things done. Productivity is defined as “the effectiveness of productive effort, especially in industry, as measured in terms of the rate of output per unit of input.” Essentially, it is a measurement of efficiency.

For some people, it’s simpler to view productivity in the currency of time. There are only 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, and 60 seconds in a minute. If you live 60 years, you will have lived 525,600 minutes.

While you can lose and gain money, esteem, friends, possessions and more, the one commodity you can never get back is time. Improving productivity in your profession helps you get more accomplished in less time, allowing you more time to go about enjoying the 525,600 minutes you have.

Productivity in business is not simply doing something for the sake of getting it done. It’s about doing the right things at the right time to achieve maximum efficiency for your effort. Believe it or not, efficiency is sometimes about doing nothing at all. Taking a break. Recharging your batteries. Mentally preparing for what comes next.

The real key to remember is that everyone has unique needs when it comes to maximizing efficiency for optimal productivity.

If your goal is to accomplish more in less time, then you need to make the following seven steps the foundation of your work week.

  1. Know your productivity type.
  2. Discover your peak energy time.
  3. Get yourself a simple kitchen timer.
  4. Make friends with your calendar.
  5. Batch your tasks, theme your weeks.
  6. Schedule your downtime.
  7. Review, reconsider, rework.

Each step is essential for helping you learn to manage your time rather than being managed by the lengthy list of items on your to do list. You know, those never-ending lists that just grow overnight. Doesn’t it seem like you cross off one item at a time but you add 3 more items in its place? This kind of rat race makes it seem like you will never catch up and never have time to relax. As you learn more about your personal productivity needs, you will find that you are not only able to improve the quantity of work you accomplish in your day, but also the quality of work you accomplish.

How does this happen? You will learn how to make small tweaks to your work habits to improve your mood and your productivity. We will focus on learning to do certain tasks during the hours when you are most productive, focusing your attention in short bursts of time and scheduling vital downtime on your calendar so you have an opportunity to enhance creativity, boost energy, and get a greatly improved return on investment for your time.

Take the time to learn the ins and outs of each of these seven steps so you can take your business and career further than you’ve previously dared to dream possible.

This is a text based workbook in PDF format and can be downloaded to your device. Each step includes an explanation and lesson, and an exercise to help you put that step into action. 

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