The Cures Act - A Practical Application

(1.0 CLE)

The 21st Century Cures Act went into effect on April 5, 2021. This course will delve into the practical application aspects of the new law, and how it can be effective for Plaintiff’s Personal Injury cases, regardless of location.

Because the Act itself is new and not widely communicated, this course will primarily discuss options for records retrieval, options for failures on the part of the actor, and how the new law is expected to play out from a practical standpoint.

This program includes a one hour on demand video including Q&A portion (closed captioned), a copy of the PowerPoint in PDF format and a copy of all handouts including two Word version sample requests.

About our speaker, Kody Friedrich:

After nearly 15 years in the garment industry, the legal field is a second career for Kody. A 1999 graduate of the University of Washington, Kody obtained her Advanced Paralegal Certificate from Edmonds Community College in 2013. Since then, she has worked with a few small firms before joining Adler Giersch, PS as the paralegal to the managing partner, Melissa Carter. As part of her role with Adler Giersch, she manages all aspects of high-damages personal injury cases and major matters, including litigation and pre-litigation, at both the State and Federal level. She is also actively involved with the legal staff division of the Washington State Association for Justice, where she coordinates CLE events for plaintiff’s personal injury legal staff who work directly with a WSAJ Eagle Member. When she’s not in the office or working from home, she manages a small hobby farm in the Pacific Northwest, raising sheep, rabbits, chickens, and two teenaged daughters along with her husband, Jeremy.

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Continuing Legal Education Credit (CLE)

Program Name: The 21st Century Cures Act - A Practical Application

NALA CP or ACP: This program is approved for 1.0 substantive CLE credit.

Florida Bar FRP: As approved by NALA, this seminar meets the requirements under Rule 20-6.1 of the Rules Regulating The Florida Bar for credits required to maintain the FRP credential.

NFPA RP® or CRP™: NFPA accepts CLE hours which bear the accreditation of NALA on the certificate of attendance.

State Bar of Texas – Paralegal Division – The Division accepts substantive law CLE approved by NALA.

CLE Credits from this program are pre-approved by NALA and can be used for your CLE requirements with any other associations which accept credits that hold NALA's approval. A certificate of completion is awarded upon completion of this program. It is the students responsibility to ensure NALA approved credits will be accepted by the entity they report credits to before signing up.

If you aren't sure, please e-mail [email protected] for assistance.